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Subject: Re: UKNM: Dreamcast vs Playstation
From: azeem azhar, lists
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 10:03:00 +0100

At 2:22 pm +0000 1999/09/17, Steve Mynott wrote:
>On Fri, Sep 17, 1999 at 02:17:46PM +0100, azeem azhar, lists wrote:
>> (p.s. i'm hiring: smart multi-skilled, intelligent producer-type,
>> strategy-thru;-to-implementation people). CVs to the above. salary +
>> options.
>and some HTML'ers to do
>http://www.esouk.com/ maybe?

two reasons: no information yet to put up on www.esouk.com that i want to
make available to the public; no audience i yet want to reach via a web
site; is there material on it available on the www. yes. you just won't
find it on www.esouk.com

: prioritisation. given the kind of business its going to be, putting up a
web site *now* achieves very few business goals, compared to the 903 things
on my to do list.

unless, of course, you are volunteering...

azeem azhar, esouk.com | www http://azeem.azhar.co.uk/
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  UKNM: A Bunch of Yahoos, Tim Ireland

  Re: UKNM: Dreamcast vs Playstation, Steve Mynott

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